Digital Literacy Strengthen Based of Cycle Learning-Constructivism on GeoGebra Strategy Training

  • Miftah Sigit Rahmawati
  • Rendra Soekarta
  • Faisal Eka Mahendra
Keywords: GeoGebra, cycle learning-construktivism, EPUB, digital literacy


One of application that can be used in education is GeoGebra. GeoGebra improved the quality of the learning process, increased the creativity of educators in learning processes, and upgraded understanding and knowledge of virtual learning media. The profile of educators is expected to be educators who are able to provide good learning. Therefore, this activity makes educators have the ability to operate or use technology-based learning media such as the GeoGebra application. The strategy carried out is a GeoGebra workshop or training for Mathematics educator in Sorong, West Papua, Indonesia. The implementation of this training or workshop is carried out of participant active learning or direct online practice educators. The online media used are ebooks called EPUB, that enhance and strengthen digital literacy. This workshop based on cycle learning-construktivism in GeoGebra training. The benchmark used as an indicator of the success of this activity is the output produced by educators, such GeoGebra skills and collection of teaching guide with GeoGebra learning media.


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