An Analysis Students’ Ability In Understanding English Affixes
Affixation is the process of adding an affix to a word to form a new word with a different meaning. In learning affixation there some problem makes students difficulties understanding affixes. The problems are the students’ difficulties understanding the affixes material in online class, the students’ difficulties to explain example and word formation of affixes in power point display without white board in online class. In this study, the researcher uses Descriptive Analysis Method. Data were collected through interview guide to find the students’ ability in understanding English Affixes. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to find the students’ ability in understanding English Affixes and the students’ understanding kinds of affixes. There are several things about students’ ability to understand English Affixes was good such us: students can interpret the meaning of affixes, the students can provide example of affixes, students can give statement about affixes, student can explain the process of affixes, students can conclude affixes material.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Gusparia Gusparia, Fajar Wirawan, Destri Wahyuningsih, Widi Syaftinentian, Seila Gustina Ningsih

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