Economic Potential Of Mosque-Based Publicity: A Study In The Bmt Of The Al Isyah Hakim Mosque Congregation - Namurambe

  • Burhanuddin Al-Butary
  • Ratna Sari Dewi Al-Washliyah Nusantara Muslim University
  • Alfi Amelia Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra
Keywords: Mosque-Based, Potential, Public Economy


Business management requires efforts to find new business partners and customers and this includes caring for and maintaining good relationships with relationships. This is important and also a potential that is continuously cultivated and maintained because it is useful for business continuity.  This research aims to determine the economic potential of a mosque-based community, namely BMT for the congregation of the Al Issyah Hakim Namurambe mosque. The research method used is literature study. This research is classified as a type of field research because it is also carried out directly in the field. Then it is strengthened by collecting articles and information related to research themes for publications in the last 5 years, then sorting is carried out according to the topic of discussion.  This research shows that the congregation of the Al Issyah Hakim Namurambe mosque benefits from the mosque-based sharia business.


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