The Influence of Using Audio-Visual Learning Media Based on Smart Apps Creator 3 on Students' Learning Outcomes
This study is a continuation of the 2023 research that developed Audio Visual Learning Media based on Smart Apps Creator 3 to address the low learning motivation of students. The initial research showed a significant increase in learning motivation. However, the impact of this media on students' learning outcomes has not yet been evaluated. This follow-up study aims to measure the influence of the media on learning outcomes. The method used is field research with a pre-experimental design, using a one-group pretest-posttest design. Second-semester students of the Islamic Education Study Program were tested before and after using the media to measure changes in their learning outcomes. The collected data were analyzed using SmartPLS 4, and the results showed a significant impact of the use of learning media on students' learning outcomes. This is indicated by a t-Statistic value of 12.549, which is greater than the t-Table value (1.96), and a p-Value of 0.000, which is smaller than 0.05. Additionally, the R Square value of 0.752 indicates that 75.2% of the variance, classified as "Strong," in students' learning outcomes is influenced by the use of learning media, while the remaining 24.8% is influenced by other factors. The N-Gain test results also fall into the high category, with a value of 0.78, indicating a significant improvement in students' learning abilities and knowledge after participating in the learning process.
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