Two Types of Sugar Cane (Saccharum officinarum) Murity Varieties Productivity in Different Planting Patterns

  • Hangger Gahara Mawandha
  • Nino Wahyu Andias
Keywords: Bululawang, Cenning, Plant Cane, Ratoon Cane, Productivity


The two varieties, Bululawang and Cenning, exhibit different maturity types. The sugarcane production cycle involves the cultivation of Plant Cane (PC), Ratoon Cane (RC) I, and Ratoon Cane (RC) II cropping patterns, followed by replanting. The objective of this study is to assess the productivity of Bululawang and Cenning varieties when planted as plant cane and ratoon cane. QA conducted the study On Farm PG. Pesantren Baru, located in Plosokidul, Plosoklaten, Djengkol, Ploso Kidul, Kec. Plosoklaten, Kediri, East Java. It took place from July to September 2021. The study compared the two varieties under different cropping patterns. The differences in variables between treatments were analyzed using a T-test at a significance level of 5%. The observations and sample collection were conducted at specific distances from the field's edge, including line 4 (4m), line 5 (12m), line 282 (8m), line 560 (4m), and line 561 (12m). When planted as plant and ratoon cane, the T-test analysis revealed significant differences in stem weight and productivity parameters between Bululawang and Cenning varieties.


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