Morphological Characterization and Conservation of Nagami Citrus (Citrus Japonica) as an Antioxidant and Nutrient Source

  • Adzan Akhmad Nazari
  • Bhakti Karyadi
Keywords: Antioxidants, Cultivation, Conservation, Nutrition


Fruits provide the body with essential nutrients and antioxidants. The kumquat or nagami orange fruit is one variety that may contain nutrients and antioxidants. This fruit is best utilized as a source of nutrients and antioxidants and is commonly grown in tropical and subtropical regions. The tiniest citrus fruit, nagami oranges, known as kumquat oranges (Citrus japonica), have sweet skin and sour flesh. They are also one of the fruits that can be eaten raw. This study aims to assess the antioxidant and nutritional value of Nagami orange fruit extract and identify strategies for preserving the fruit's antioxidant and nutritional value. Implementing both primary and secondary data collection, the writer conducted an experimental study. Primary data are firsthand observations made in conservation areas, while secondary data take the form of information about the climate, accessibility, and other auxiliary factors—excellent potential as a source of food ingredients with sales value and antioxidants. Nagami oranges' high levels of antioxidants, including flavonoids, ascorbic acid, and phenolic compounds, can benefit health and shield the body from harm from free radicals. Cultivating nagami oranges can open doors for farmers or producers to sell natural antioxidant-containing products to consumers increasingly concerned with their health and nutrition.


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