Morphometric Analysis on Sacha Inchi Plants (Plukenetia volubilis L.) using Organic Fertilizer Treatment of Chicken Manure

  • Sri Ayu Andayani
  • Acep Atma Wijaya
  • Tri Ferga Prasetyo
  • Miftah Dieni Sukmasari
  • Sri Umyati
  • Umar Dani
Keywords: sacha inchi, seed volume, surface area., thickness, weight


Sacha Inchi is a plant that has economic potential and is worthy of development. This research was conducted to understand the relationship between variables in the treatment of chicken manure liquid organic fertilizer. The research method used in this research was an experimental method on 200 samples of Sacha Inchi plant seeds. The analytical design used in this research is linear regression analysis. Based on the results of linear regression on chicken fertilizer treatment, it is known that the weight variable has an effect on the cocoa bean surface area variable by 51% (moderate), bean weight has an effect on thickness by 53% (moderate), the effect of thickness on bean surface area is 6.5% ( weak) and the volume influenced by seed weight is 81% (strong). Thus, increasing the weight of the seeds will increase the volume of the seeds.


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