Mustard (Brassica rapa) and Eggplant (Solanum melongena) Cultivation in Agrivoltaic System in Coastal Area, Case Study of Baron Technopark, Yogyakarta

  • Titin Setyorini
  • Yureana Wijayanti
  • Agus Nurrohim
  • Andri Subandriya
  • Ridwan Budi Prasetya
  • Munadiyan Nurhuda
  • Bakti Wibawa
Keywords: Agrivoltaic, Baron, Gunungkidul, Green Mustard, Eggplant


Agrivoltaic is a system developed from plant cultivation and photovoltaic installations. Opportunities for creating this system in Indonesia are still quite large, including in the Gunungkidul Yogyakarta area. This study aimed to determine the growth response and yield of mustard greens and eggplant in the Agrivoltaic system in Baron, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, as a preliminary study of the use of photovoltaic for plant cultivation activities. The research was conducted in a photovoltaic installed in the Baron Techno Park area, BRIN, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta. An unpaired T-test design was used in this research, which compared the growth and yield of mustard greens and eggplant under and outside the solar panels. The development of mustard and eggplant plants showed quite a high variation between rows below and outside the panel. Therefore, the rows were also used as a treatment in this research. The results showed that mustard greens and eggplants can be grown in agrivoltaic systems. The location of the plants (below and outside the panel) did not affect the growth and yield of mustard plants, while eggplant did. The position of the row inside and outside the panel also affects the growth and yield of mustard greens and eggplant. Mustard and eggplant plants planted outside the panels will be harvested 15 days faster than those under the panels


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