Response of Growth and Yield of Samhong King Curly Mustard Greens (Brassica juncea L.) to Land Tillage and Differences in Mulch Application

  • Lisa Dwifani Indarwati
  • Masrur Muzadi
  • Heru Sudrajad
Keywords: Curly mustard greens, Factorial experiment, Land Tillage, Silver-black mulch, Straw mulch


Land processing intensively and over an extended period can lead to a decline in cultivated land quality, resulting in suboptimal plant growth. The utilization of mulch is anticipated to enhance soil quality, enabling mustard plants to thrive and yield effectively. This study investigates the most effective type of mulch in conjunction with land tillage to maximize the growth and productivity of Samhong King curly mustard greens. The experiment was conducted at the Mapena Agricultural and Livestock Polytechnic experimental garden from November 2023 to March 2024. A factorial (3x2) experiment was set up in a randomized complete block design with four blocks. The first factor, mulch type, comprised three levels: straw, silver-black, and no mulch. On the other hand, the second factor, land tillage, consisted of two levels: tillage and no-tillage. Observations encompassed growth parameters, harvest variables, and environmental factors. The data underwent statistical analysis using analysis of variance (ANOVA), with Tukey's statistic calculated at a significance level of 5%. The findings revealed that the combination of tillage with silver-black mulch application facilitated superior growth and yield of curly mustard greens compared to the application of straw mulch or no mulch with tillage and no-tillage.


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