Growth Optimization of Several Varieties of Vanilla Plants (Vanilla Planifolia Andrews) using Various Light Intensities

  • Insan Kamiludin Nugraha
  • Sri Suryanti
  • Hangger Gahara Mawandha
Keywords: growth, variety, vanilla, Light intensity, shade


Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) is one of the plantation commodities in Indonesia that has high economic value. The vanilla plant requires specific climatic conditions to thrive. This research was conducted to determine the influence of sunlight intensity on the growth of various vanilla varieties and to identify the optimal light intensity for developing superior and local vanilla plants. The study took place at the Ayem Farmers Group in the Learning House unit of Vanilla mBajing located in Sinogo Village, Pagerharjo, Samigaluh District, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta, from May to July 2023. A complete randomized design (CRD) factorial experiment was applied, with the first factor being the varieties - Vania 2 and local vanilla - and the second factor being the types of shade - no shade, jackfruit tree shade, and teak tree shade, resulting in 6 treatment combinations with each treatment consisting of 4 replications. The research results indicated no growth differences between Vania 2 and local vanilla varieties. The light intensity received by vanilla plants varied depending on the shading. Teak and jackfruit trees can be used as shading options in vanilla cultivation as they provide optimal sunlight intensity, resulting in 36% and 46% yields, respectively.


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