Characterization And Genetic Relationship of Several Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Genotypes from Various Regions

  • Fikri Rahmadian
  • Yunandra Yunandra
  • Elza Zuhry
  • Irfandri Irfandri
  • Rachmad Saputra
  • Niskan Walid Masruri
  • Yohana Aprilita Br. Hutabarat
  • Natalia Yosephine Simanjuntak
  • Eka Destiani
Keywords: Characterization, cluster analysis, genotype, tomato


The research aims to obtain information about the morphological characters and genetic relationships of several tomato genotypes from various regions. The study was conducted from May to October 2023 at the Experimental Garden and Plant Breeding Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau. The research used a randomized block design (RBD) consisting of eight genotypes and four repeats, and 32 experimental units were obtained. The observations were made to observe some qualitative characters. Qualitative data were analyzed using principal component analysis and cluster analysis to see genetic relationships. The results showed that the Magelang genotype (T27) had a high average plant fruit weight of 619.74 g, the Pane tongah (T24) had an average thick fruit flesh of 6.05 mm, the Silimakuta (T22) had an average large fruit size of 63.28 g. In contrast, the Purba (T25) had an average number of large planting fruits of 15.41 pieces. Grouping eight tomato genotypes based on clustering of MC1 and MC2 and cutting the dendrogram at a 90% similarity rate resulted in six groups. Group One consists of three genotypes, specifically Silimakuta (T22), Alahan Panjang (T26), and Magelang (T27). Group Two has Raya (T23), Group Three has Purba (T25), Group Four has Pane tongah (T24), group five has Servo F1 and group six has Ratna. The closest kinship based on the smallest euclidiean distance value is the Silimakuta (T22) and Alahan panjang (T26), with a value of 19.44. The genotypes with the farthest similarity are Raya (T23) and Purba (T25) because they have a 46.24 genetic distance


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