The Application of Liquid Organic Fertilizer from Banana Peels and NPK Phonska on Purple Eggplants (Solanum melongena L.) Production

  • Salmita Salman
  • T. Edy Sabli
  • Sri Mulyani
  • Muhammad Alfiqri
Keywords: purple eggplant, liquid orgaic fertilizer, NPK phonska


The study aimed to investigate the impact of the interaction and the main effects of POC from Banana Peel and NPK Phonska on the growth and yield of purple eggplant (Solanum melongena L) plants. A Factorial, Completely Randomized Design was employed, comprising two factors. The first factor involved the concentration of POC from Banana Peel with 4 treatment levels of 9. 159. 309. 450 ml per liter of water, while the second factor was the dose of NPK Phonska with 4 treatment levels of 9. 6.3. 12.6. 18.9 g per plant, resulting in 16 treatment combinations. Each treatment was replicated thrice, yielding a total of 48 experimental units. The parameters under scrutiny included flowering age, harvest age, number of fruits per plant, weight per plant, length, and number of remaining fruits. Data analysis was conducted through analysis of variance followed by an honest significant difference test (HSD) at a 5% significance level. The findings indicated that the interaction between POC from Banana Peel and NPK Phonska significantly influenced flowering age, harvest age, number of fruits per plant, and fruit weight per plant. The optimal treatment was a combination of POC from Banana Peel at 450 ml/l water and NPK Phonska at 18.9 g per plant. Furthermore, the main effect of the POC from Banana Peel dose significantly impacted all observed parameters, with the best treatment being POC from Banana Peel at 450 ml/l water. Similarly, the main effect of NPK Phonska significantly affected all observation parameters, with the most effective treatment being a dose of NPK Phonska at 18.9 g per plant.


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