Ecoenzyme Potential as Biostimulant against Germination of Shallots of Seed Origin (TSS) (Allium ascalonicum L.)

  • Kuswardani, RA
  • Yusniwati Yusniwati
  • Magdalena Saragih
  • Abdul Rahman
  • Husin Bahri
  • Agustinus Agustinus
Keywords: ecoenzyme, biostimulant, germination, TSS


Ecoenzymes are the result of fermentation of organic matter waste such as vegetable waste or abundant fruits such as citrus fruit peels, pineapple peels and banana peels. Some of the functions of ecoenzymes are as a solution for floor cleaning, disinfectants, vegetable and fruit cleaners, pest control, plant pathogen control, and plant fertilizers. True shallot Seed (TSS) is an alternative onion plant material in the form of seeds. The use of onion botanical seeds is one of the potential technology alternatives developed to obtain quality onion seeds. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of ecoenzyme application as a seed germination booster through seed soaking method using 3 (three) types of ecoenzyme liquid with a solution concentration of 5.0 ml / L water. The results showed that the application of ecoenzymes was able to increase the germination of TSS seeds compared to controls. Ecoenzymes from orange peels produce the highest percentage of germination compared to ecoenzymes from banana peels and pineapple peels.


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