Effectiveness Test of Onion Peel Eco Enzyme as Bioinsecticide for Armyworm Pest (Spodoptera litura)

  • Adelina Maryanti
  • Desri Hastuti
  • Noer Arif Hardi
Keywords: eco enzyme, onion peel, bio-insecticide, armyworm (Spodoptera litura)


Onion peels are organic waste, which could be a potential environmental pollutant without being appropriately managed. Onion peels were processed into more valuable materials through fermentation, an eco-enzyme. Onion peels eco enzyme is a bio-insecticide for insect pests such as armyworms (Spodoptera litura). This study aims to determine the effectiveness of eco enzyme from onion peel waste as a bio-insecticide against armyworms (Spodoptera litura). This research applied onion peels eco enzyme to the armyworms (Spodoptera litura) through spraying consisting of four treatments: Yasithrin 30 EC as control, 5 ml/L, E3 10 ml/L, and E4 30 ml/L. This study used an experimental method through a completely randomized design (CRD) pattern with four treatments and four replicates. Furthermore, the data was analyzed quantitatively by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed the highest deaths and the fastest death time when the eco enzyme was applied at 30 ml/L. The F test showed that the eco enzyme of onion peels significantly controls the armyworm (Spodoptera litura). Additionally, the BNT test (1%) showed no effect of different concentrations of eco enzyme of onion peels on the number and time of death of armyworms (Spodoptera litura). Moreover, the number of deaths and mortality time increased with the rise of onion peel eco enzyme concentration. This study showed that onion peel eco enzymes were effective as a bio-insecticide against armyworm (Spodoptera litura) pests within 82.5%-95% effectiveness level. Thus, it can be used as an eco-friendly retrieved pesticide.


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