Evaluation of Soil Fertility Status on Oil Palm Cultivation Land (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) In Pulo Padang Village

  • Anggi Manda Syari Lubis
  • Harahapa Syawal Fitra
  • Sitanggang Dorliana Kamsia
  • Walida Hilwa
Keywords: chemistry, Evaluation, fertility, properties, soil


Declinen soil fertility on crop cultivation land has become a problem that must be considered. As an effort to rehabilitate these lands, it is very necessary to carry out appropriate actions. One way is to evaluate soil fertility by looking at the soil chemical characteristics of land that has been managed intensively. The aim of this research is to determine the chemical characteristics of the soil and the status of soil fertility on agricultural land in Pulo Padang Village, Rantau Utara District, Labuhanbatu Regency. The method used in this research was a survey method and soil sampling which was carried out by purposive sampling on oil palm plants which were composited, air-dried and chemical analysis of the soil was carried out in the laboratory. The results of research on soil chemical characteristics show a soil pH value of 5.0-5.2 with acid status, C-organic 1.42-1.67% (Low), Total Nitrogen 0.13-0.15% (low), P2O5 with a value of 283-400 mg/100g (Very High ), P available 36.2-126.6 ppm (Very High), Base cations can be exchanged Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+ namely 7.19-8.13 cmol/kg (Medium), 3.22-3.93 cmol/kg (High), 0.17-0.30 cmol/ kg (Low), 0.08-0.22 cmol/kg (Very low), CEC 14.66cmol/kg (Very Low) and 21.98 cmol/kg (Medium), KB 57-73 % (Very High). The soil fertility status of agricultural land in Pulo Pandang Village, Rantau Utara District, Labuhanbatu Regency has a low fertility status, so management measures are needed to increase soil fertility


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