Hydro Priming Efficacy on Rubber Plant Seeds (Hevea brasiliensis) Growth

  • wahyudi wahyudi
Keywords: Germination, Rubber seeds, Soaking time.


Among the plantation products, rubber is critical to economic activity within Indonesia. Rubber is also identified as one of Indonesia's export products, which is significant as an export revenue source apart from the oil and gas sector. Malaysia is the world's second-largest rubber producer and exporter of natural rubber after Indonesia. Besides having more open export opportunities and stimuli, the domestic rubber market is still large. Therefore, this study aims to ascertain the efficiency of hydro priming of rubber seeds on germination time and power as well as sprout height. The research was conducted in the greenhouse at the experimental garden in the Faculty of Agriculture KU IMS in Kuantan Singingi, which are given at geographical coordinates 00 00-10 00 LS 1010 02 – 1010 55 BT. The research was conducted in November-December 2023. The questionnaire survey was conducted in November and December of 2023. The average air temperature of the research location for November and December 2023 was 28. ranges from 8 0C to 32 0C with relative humidity of about 81%. The research approach was conducted in a qualitative manner utilizing mathematical techniques. Data is generally put in a tabular form and analyzed. Various treatment levels were under Control, 12h, 24h, 36h and 48h of hydro priming. In this research, the parameters recorded include time taken for germination, germination strength and sprout height. According to the outcomes of the assessments made in this study, the hydro priming treatment conducted on the rubber plant seeds showed the fastest germination time characteristics in the 48-hour treatment, which is 3. 4 days. The maximum germination capacity was observed in the hydro-priming treatment of 36 hours, which was 90. 0%. On the other hand, the tallest observation parameter of the height of the sprouts was in 48 hrs of Hydro Priming, with a height of 26. 3 cm


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