Physiological Response and Yield Components of Local Aceh Types of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Due to Nitrogen Fertilizer Application

  • Laila Nazirah
  • Dani Siti Rahmah
Keywords: characteristics, local Aceh, Rice strains, urea fertilizer


Efforts to preserve Aceh's local rice germplasm include testing the character of local rice lines by providing urea fertilizer. The research aims to determine the effect of local Acehnese rice lines and urea (N) fertilizer on physiological characteristics and yield. The research was conducted in Bangka Jaya Village, Dewantara District, North Aceh Regency and the Agroecotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Malikussaleh University, April-August 2021. The research used a 2-Factor Randomized Block Design. The first factor of rice lines consists of six lines, namely Sigupai abdya, Sikuneng, Keumala, Manyam RO, Cbd08 and Siputeh. The second factor of urea fertilizer (N) consists of N1 = 200 kg/ha and N2 = 100 kg/ha. The parameters tested were flowering age, leaf area, net assimilation rate (LAB), relative growth rate (LTR), leaf chlorophyll content, shoot-root-ratio, number of panicles, weight of 1000 seeds and grain yield tons/ha. The results showed that the CBD08 rice type had the best influence on the parameters of faster flowering age, leaf area at age (40, 60 DAP and harvest age), net assimilation rate (LAB), shoot root ratio at age (60-40 DAP), number of panicles, weight 1000 seeds and grain yield tons/ha. Urea fertilizer at a dose of 200 kg/ha gave the best growth results in observing leaf area at age (40, 60 HST and harvest age), net assimilation rate (LAB), relative growth rate (LTR I) and LTR II, shoot root ratio, number of panicles. There isinteraction of leaf area, Net Assimilation Rate (LAB I and LAB II),Relative Growth Rate(LTR I and LTRII),Shoot-Root-Ratio,Number of Panicles.


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