Diversity of Pest Types and Natural Enemies in Plantations Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L)

  • Mukhtar Yusuf
  • Rini Susanti
  • Risnawati Risnawati
Keywords: identification, pests, predators, Sorghum


The types of pests that attack sorghum plants are very diverse, ranging from the germination phase to harvest. This is the main obstacle in efforts to increase sorghum production. These pests have different behaviors, morphologies, and ecobiologies. The aim of this research is to identify all types of pests and natural enemies that disturb sorghum plants. This research was conducted on sorghum farming land in Pantai Gemi village, Stabat subdistrict, Langkat district, Medan, from March to July 2022. Morphological identification was carried out using the sweeping net method, yellow sticky traps, and pitfall traps. The results of the research showed that there were 126 weaver ants. (Oecophlla Smaragdina ), 83 black ants ( Dolichoderus thoracicus ), and some of the pests that were caught and the least were 14 seed flies ( Atrigona soccata ) and 12 dragonflies ( Trithemis arteriosa). is the type of pest that most often attacks sorghum plants. By identifying pests and natural enemies, it is hoped that we can control pests effectively and integratedly in sorghum cultivation.


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