Analysis of Bioactive Components of Pakcoy Microgreens (Brassica rapa L.) on Variations of Planting Media

  • Charloq Charloq
Keywords: Bioactive, Growing Media, Microgreen, Planting Media, Treatment Levels


Microgreens are new foods with bioactive compounds that are beneficial for human health. Microgreens Brassica rapa L. are small-scale, naturally occurring vegetable crops that possess a high antioxidant value and natural nutrient density.The profile of bioactive compounds is influenced by variations in growing media on microgreens Brassica rapa L. including rice husk charcoal, cocopeat, and top soil.The purpose of this study was to analyze the increase in flavonoid, chlorophyll and carotenoid compounds in several variations of growing media: This research was conducted using a Non-Factorial Randomized Group Design (RAK) with three treatment levels, namely top soil, top soil + rice husk charcoal, top soil + cocopeat with five replications. Parameters measured were flavonoid compounds, chlorophyll a b, and carotenoids. Results: the analysis showed that the best planting media were rice husk charcoal, cocopeat, and top soil, respectively had a significant effect on the increase in Chlorophyll (42.12 mg L-1) and Carotenoids (10.63 µmol/L) Flavonoids (19.19 µmol g-1). Conclusion: The best recommended planting medium is rice husk charcoal which shows a significant effect on increasing Chlorophyll (42.12 mg L-1) Carotenoids (10.63 µmol/L) and cocopeat which shows a significant effect on increasing flavonoid content (19.19 µmol g-1).


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