Application Lemongrass Extract (Cymbopogon citratus Dc) Against Mortality Death of Termites (Macrotermes gilvus Hagen) With Several Application Techniques

  • Abu Yazid
Keywords: Lemongrass extract, termites, application techniques, mortality


Lemongrass is a plant that contains citronellal, geraniol, and other compounds which are known to increase termite mortality. This research aims to determine the most effective concentration of lemongrass extract on termite mortality using several application techniques. The method used in this research was a Factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with 3 replications where: Treatment factor I used lemongrass extract application. This treatment consists of 10 combinations and in 1 treatment unit there are 30 termites ( Macrotermes gilvus Hagen), so the total is 900 termites. The parameters observed were the percentage of termite mortality (%) and termite activity after application with 3 categories: 1=Alive actively moving; 2=Alive not actively moving; 3=Dead, so the data was analyzed using the Variety Print Analysis Method and Kruskal Wallis Analysis. Significant data analysis results will be followed by the Duncan Mean Range Test (DMRT) at ɑ=5%. The results of the study showed that the application of lemongrass extract (Cymbopogon citrates DC) 100g/l of water was significant in reducing termite (Macrotermes gilvus Hagen) mortality by up to 95% on day 7. The effectiveness of the feeding technique was not significantly different from the spraying technique in reducing actual mortality to 85.44 %. The interaction between the application of lemongrass extract (Cymbopogon citratus DC) 100g/liter of water and the application technique did not significantly reduce the mortality of termites ( Macrotermes gilvus Hagen)


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