Qualitative and Quantitative Traits of Katokan Toraja Cayenne Pepper Varieties (Capsicum annuum)

  • Suharman Prayuda
  • Siti Hartati Yusida Saragih
  • Yudi Triyanto
  • Yusmaidar Sepriani
Keywords: Buss Test, Canai plants Katokkan Toraja variety, Katokkan Toraja variety, quantitative characters, Growth and production


The Katokkon Toraja chilli, scientifically known as Capsicum annuum, is a locally Indigenous chilli variety found in Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Renowned for its exceptionally high level of spiciness, this type is particularly popular among aficionados of spicy cuisine. This study was carried out at Labuhanbatu University to examine the qualitative and quantitative attributes of the Katokkon Toraja (Capsicum annuum) chilli variety. This study aims to identify the unique attributes of this particular variety in terms of its floral structure, leaf color and shape, and the appearance and color of its fruit. The approach employed in this study was a non-factorial completely randomized design (CRD), wherein the parameters examined encompassed plant height, number of leaves, and number of fruit. Based on qualitative data, it can be observed that Katokkon chili flowers exhibit a slightly upright spreading position, light green leaves, tapered curved fruit, and curly and slightly curved leaves. In the meantime, the chili fruit exhibits a range of color variations, spanning from dark green to reddish-orange, serving as indicators of varying degrees of ripeness and nutritional composition. The study's quantitative findings indicate no significant differences in plant height and number of leaves among the plants. This lack of variation could be attributed to genetic factors and a consistent approach to environmental management. The results suggest that the Katokkon variety exhibits uniform vertical growth and leaf count, which is significant for strategic planting and overall plant care. This study offers significant insights for agricultural workers in effectively managing Katokkon Toraja (Capsicum annuum) chili varieties and serves as a foundation for improving cultivation methods to enhance yield and produce higher-quality crops.


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