Analysis of Water Content, Free Fattyacids and Gross of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) in PKS PTPN IV Ajamu Labuhan Batu

  • Syahril Azmi
  • Kamsia Dorliana Sitanggang
  • Yudi Triyanto
  • Khairul Rizal
Keywords: Crude Palm Oil, Free Fatty Acids, Water Content and Gross Content


Crude Palm Oil is the raw oil derived from processed palm oil fruit. The main issue in palm oil mills is the decline in CPO quality due to elevated levels of free fatty acids, water content, and gross content, which are essential factors in PKS. The decline in CPO is being caused by one of the factors, which is the oil storage area, specifically the daily tank. The aim of this research is to assess if the quality of CPO meets the standards set by PKS Ajamu through various parameters, including free fatty acid content, water content, and gross content. Observations must also be conducted to oversee the CPO processing process at the PTPN IV Ajamu Labuhan Batu factory. The titration method was used to analyze free fatty acid levels, while the gravimetric method was employed to measure water content and gross content. The research was conducted over a period of 5 consecutive days, and the obtained data was then averaged for free fatty acids, water content, and gross content.


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