Analysis of Kale Vegetable Production (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica) in Catfish Pond Water Media Using Floating Net Aquaponics Technology

  • Nursyirwan Nursyirwan
  • Badrul Ainy Dalimunthe Ainy Dalimunthe
  • Dini Hariyati Adam
  • Kamsia Dorliana Sitanggang
Keywords: Aquaponics, Catfish Pond Water, Kale Growth, Kale Production, Kale Plants


Kale (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica) is a horticultural plant that looks like broccoli and cabbage, but its leaves are headless. This study aims to analyze the production of kale (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica) vegetables in catfish pond water media using floating net aquaponics technology, focusing on the impact of various doses of organic fertilizer on plant growth. The method used was the analysis of variance, and if a significant difference were found, Duncan's Multiple Range Test at the 5% level would be applied further. The results showed that various doses of organic fertilizer did not produce significant differences in plant height, although higher doses tended to increase. However, applying organic fertilizer significantly increased the number of kale plant leaves, with a dose of 100 ml/L producing the highest number of leaves compared to the control. This indicates that organic fertilizer effectively supports kale plants' vegetative growth. On the other hand, the treatment using AB Mix and catfish ponds as media did not show significant differences in the fresh weight of kale plants at various observation periods. Variations in plant wet weight were not statistically different enough to affect the study's conclusions. These findings indicate that although organic fertilizer significantly increased the number of leaves, aquaponic media with AB Mix and catfish ponds did not significantly affect plant wet weight.


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