Increasing the Growth and Production of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L) by Providing Wood Biochar

  • Reza Gilang Ramadhan
  • Dini Hariyati Adam
  • Novilda Elizabeth Mustamu
  • Hilwa Walida
Keywords: Eggplant, Crop yield, Plant growth, Solanum melongena L, Wood biochar


The cultivation of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is a significant aspect of horticultural production in Indonesia. However, the productivity of eggplant remains minimal due to inadequate cultivation practices. An encouraging approach involves utilizing wood biochar as a supplement to improve soil fertility and promote plant development. This study aimed to assess the impact of varying levels of wood biochar application on the development and productivity of eggplant. The study utilized a Randomized Block Design (RBD) to investigate the effects of four different treatments: no biochar, 50 g of biochar per polybag, 100 g of biochar per polybag, and 150 g of biochar per polybag. The findings indicated that the incorporation of wood biochar had a notable impact on the growth and yield of the plants, as evidenced by the increase in plant height, leaf width, fruit weight per fruit, number of fruits per plant, and fruit weight per plant. Among the different treatments, B3 exhibited the most favorable outcomes. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that there were statistically significant differences between the various treatments (p < 0.05). In summary, using wood biochar has proven to successfully improve eggplant yield in Indonesian soil.


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