Strategy to increase the growth of sweet banana varieties of chili (Capsicum sp) using Gamma Ray Radiation

  • Danang Aidil Riwanda
  • Siti Hartati Yusida Saragih
  • Dini Hariyati Adam
  • Ika Ayu Putri Septyani
Keywords: chili (Capsicum sp), Gamma ray radiation, mutation, plant productions, plant growth


Chili (Capsicum sp) is a herbaceous plant from the eggplant family and is thought to originate from Mexico, Central America, and the Andes region in South America. This research was carried out from November 2023 to May 2024. Sweet Banana Variety Chili Seeds were sent to the Isotope Application Center and Radiation (PAIR), National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) Jl. Lebak Bulus Raya No.49 Cilandak-South Jakarta. Irradiated seeds were planted in the Green House of Labuhanbatu University, Labuhanbatu Regency, North Sumatra. The design used was a non-factorial completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 replications. The experiment used a single factor, namely gamma rays, on sweet banana variety chili seeds with 4 treatment levels: Control (0 Gy), 100 Gy, 200 Gy, 300 Gy. In this study, 20 plant units were observed. Based on the results of observations of the growth of sweet banana variety chili seedlings, seedling growth was different in each treatment, and most of the seedlings were only able to survive at an irradiation level of 100 Gy. The results of the analysis of variance showed that the gamma-ray radiation factor was significantly different from the number of leaves (strands) in the 2nd week after planting, but was not significantly different 4 weeks after planting. The results of the analysis of variance showed that the gamma-ray radiation factor was significantly different 2 weeks after planting, a further DMRT test was carried out at a level of 5%.


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