Potential of Trenggulun Leaf Essential Oil as an Attractant for Fruit Fly (Bactrocera sp) Pests in Cayyene Pepper (Capsicum frutescens) Plants

  • Baiq Inggar Linggarweni Universitas Islam Al-Azhar Mataram
  • Ana Andriana Universitas Islam Al-Azhar Mataram
Keywords: Attractant, Essential Oil, Fruit Flies, Pests, Trenggulun


Fruit flies are the main pests of cayenne pepper. One of the environmentally friendly ways to control is with attractants. The research method used is a Group Randomize Desigen (RGD) factorial pattern with two treatment factors. The first factor is the concentration of trenggulun leaf essential oil which consists of four levels, namely K1=concentration of 0,50 ml, K2=concentration of 0,60 ml, K3=concentration of 0,70 ml, K4=concentration of 0,80 ml. The second factor is the application time (W) which consists of three levels, namely W1= application time every 7 days, W2= application time every 10 days, W3= application time every 14 days. This study aims to determine the most effective concentration and application time. The types of fruit flies trapped are female Bactrocera dorsalis, male Bactrocera dorsalis and female Bactrocera umbrosa. The most effective application time is 10 days with a concentration of 0.80 ml of essential oil. The number of female fruit flies trapped is more than male fruit flies because the content of essential oil compounds of trenggulun leaves contains β ocimen which is an attractant for female fruit flies Bactrocera dorsalis and Bactrocera umbrosa.


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