The Effectiveness of Planting based on The Number of Seeds in Increasing The Adaptability and Productivity of Sweet Corn

  • Suryanto Universitas Andi Djemma
  • Sukriming Sapareng Program Studi Agrpteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Andi Djemma, Kota Palopo 91913, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
  • Annas Boceng Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • Taruna Shafa Arzam AR Universitas Andi Djemma
  • Akmal Universitas Andi Djemma
  • Rosnina Universitas Andi Djemma
Keywords: Adaptation, Effectiveness, Seed Quantity, Sweet Corn


This study aimed to evaluate the influence of the number of seeds per planting hole on the productivity and adaptability of sweet corn varieties. Using a nested research design, eight Indonesian commercial sweetcorn varieties were tested with variations in the number of seeds per planting hole. Results showed that plant height ranged from 144.86 cm to 191.66 cm, with the BN 44 variety having the highest height. However, seed number treatment did not significantly affect plant height, stem diameter, or leaf count. Meanwhile, the highest productivity is achieved by the Talenta and Bonanza 9 F1 varieties at the treatment of one seed per hole, as well as the Prima variety at the treatment of two seeds. These findings emphasize the importance of variety selection in the management of sweet corn cultivation and show that although seed numbers are insignificant, the right variety can improve crop yields. The implications of this research are important for the development of sustainable and efficient agricultural strategies and can contribute to food security through increased sweet corn productivity.


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