• Muhammad Satria Pratama
Keywords: Interest, Murabahah Financing, BMT Permata Indonesia


The Baitul Maal Wat-Tamwil Institute (BMT) has contributed to enlivening the Islamic financial services industry. The Islamic financial services industry in Indonesia has the potential to continue to grow and has great benefits for the economy. The existence of BMT is expected to not only provide financial services to small communities, but also contribute to community empowerment and poverty alleviation efforts.

The formulation of the problem in this thesis is how the interest of the Tangkerang Labuai Kelurahan community towards Murabahah Financing Products and what are the motivating and inhibiting factors of the Tangkerang Labuai Kelurahan community towards Murabahah Financing at Permata Indonesia BMT. This research is a reseach field by directly examining the object to be studied. The focus of research used by researchers in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. This study uses data analysis techniques with the percentage formula: P = F / N x 100%.

The results of this research indicate that the interest of the Tangkerang Labuai Kelurahan community in Murabahah Financing products at BMT Permata Indonesia is included in the category of lacking only 17 respondents. This is evidenced from the total of 44 respondents, there were 17 (38.63%) respondents who were interested while 27 (61.36%) respondents expressed no interest in Murabahah Financing products at BMT Permata Indonesia. The driving factors of Tangkerang Labuai Village community who are interested in Murabahah Financing products at BMT Permata Indonesia are (1) Religious (Religion), (2) Affordable Location, (3) Benefits of Murabahah Financing Products and (4) Level of Income of Tangkerang Labuai District, while the inhibiting factor of the Tangkerang Labuai Sub-district community is not interested is that BMT Permata Indonesia has socialized more savings products than Murabahah Financing products so that there are still many people in Tangkerang Labuai Kelurahan who do not understand or understand the products and services offered by BMT Permata Indonesia.


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