• indah sari
Keywords: role, the Zakat Collecting Unit in Pangean Sub-district, community's economy


In this thesis “The Role of the Zakat Collecting Unit in Pangean Sub-district in developing the community's economy” the issues discussed are about the zakat fund management system at Pangean Sub-district Zakat Collecting Unit, the role of Pangean Sub-district Zakat Collecting Unit in developing the community's economy, and the management of the role of the Pangean Sub-district Zakat Collecting Unit in developing the community's economy. develop the community's economy according to the Islamic religion. The location of this research is in the Zakat Collecting Unit, Pangean Sub-district, Kuantan Singi Regency, Riau Province which is located at Jl. general sudirman, postal code. 29561 Pangean new market, Pangean Sub-district. The research population consisted of the head of the zakat collection unit and the employees of the zakat collection unit in Pangean Sub-district which opened 3 people, and zakat recipients (mustahiq) in the zakat collector unit in Pangean sub-district for the period 2018-2019, totaling 308 people. The author took a sample of 23 people, (1 head of the zakat collection unit and 2 employees, and 20 people from mustahiq) with data collection techniques with observation, interviews, and documentation. The data from this study consisted of primary and secondary data and then analyzed by descriptive analysis method. From the results of the research and discussion that the author did, it can be seen that in the management of the zakat collection system carried out by the Pangean Sub-district Zakat Collecting Unit by receiving zakat from musakki on notification to muzakki, and the delivery of zakat by the Zakat Collecting unit consists of zakat assistance for livestock in the form of goats. , financial assistance, and educational assistance. In general, the role of the zakat collection unit in Pangean Sub-district in developing the community's economy is good, but in the distribution of zakat it is still less productive, lacks supervision, guidance, and lack of funds so that most mustahiq use zakat assistance for consumption.


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