This research was motivated by the Mudharabah Futures Savings Product at BMT Amanah Air Molek, where this product has just been released and is still in the development process stage. The formulation of the problem in this study is how to analyze the management of futures mudharabah savings products at Amanah Air Molek BMT and how to support and inhibiting factors in the management of futures mudharabah savings products at Amanah Air Molek BMT. This study aims to determine the analysis of Mudharabah Futures Savings Product Management at Amanah Air Molek BMT and to find out several factors that support and inhibit the Mudharabah Futures Savings Product at Amanah Air Molek BMT. The subject of this research is the Manager of BMT Amanah Air Molek, while the object of this research is how to manage and inhibit and support the Mudharabah Futures Savings Products at BMT Amanah Air Molek. Data collection techniques used are Observation, Interview, and Documentation. Data analysis is descriptive qualitative. From the results of this study, the planning of the Mudharabah Futures Savings Product is the same as other products in BMT Amanah, namely to invite people to invest in BMT Amanah. Starting from the organization to its control, all members of BMT Amanah, from the leadership to the employees, all participate in running this product. All divisions are related so that they control each other so that they can run according to the provisions. In the work assessment, BMT Amanah is good enough so that it can exceed the target even though they don't have too many customers. The supporting factor for BMT Amanah is that the system they have created is well organized to make it easier for customers to transact. Then one of the inhibiting factors is the lack of understanding of the local community about this product and the risk of the contract which makes them increasingly reluctant to choose this product.