Sikap Petani Menerapkan Teknologi Legowo Pada Usaha Tani Padi Sawah di Kecamatan VII Koto Ilir Kabupaten Tebo

  • Asminar Asminar




Paddy rice production in Jambi Province began to increase with the planting of rice with jajar legowo. The purpose of this study was to determine the development of legowo ranks in the field of rice farming in District VII Koto Ilir Tebo Regency and to determine the attitudes of farmers applying the ranks of legowo in lowland rice farming in District VII Koto Ilir Tebo Regency. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data with analysts and using Likert scale to determine the attitudes of farmers applying jajar legowo in lowland rice farming in District VII Koto Ilir Tebo Regency. The results showed that the development of legowo ranks in the field of rice farming in District VII Koto Ilir Tebo Regency always increased from year to year and the attitude of farmers applying the ranks of legowo in lowland rice farming in District VII Koto Ilir Tebo Regency was high with a value of 2.91, attitudes measured in this study are cognitive attitudes, apective attitudes and conative attitudes


Keywords: Jajar Legowo, Attitude, Cognitive, Appective and Conative
