Manajemen Waktu Lembaga Pendidikan Islam dalam Perspektif Al- Qur’an
This article discusses the Qur'anic view of time management. This theme is studied based on the al-
Qur'an's vocabulary which represents time terms such as the word, Al-Ajal, Ad-dahr, Al-waqt, and
words of time to swear such as the editors of al-layl, al-duha, al-subh, al - nahar, al - fajr, and al-'asr as
language analysis. The word is used to see the factors that underlie the primacy of time management
so that it gets priority in activities. Based on the discussion carried out, the Qur'anic view of time.
Time is something so important that Allah repeatedly mentions it in the Koran, both showing a clear
duration and a clear boundary. Time management presents the skills, tools, and ability to do the right
thing at the right time, with minimal effort and minimal resources, effective and efficient, through
which one can achieve personal goals and values that are prioritized factors that support the priority
of time in conducting management time is to do time planning, organizing time, and evaluating time.
Keywords: Time Management, Islamic Education, Al-Qur'an