Methods of Issuing Fatwas in Islamic Legislation: A Historical Review
The methodology of issuing fatwas is highly significant to ensure that fatwas are issued based on discipline to meet the requirements of Islamic law, are relevant to the needs of society, and simultaneously preserve the sustainability of Islamic teachings. This article highlights the development of fatwa methodology in Islamic legislation, starting from the time of revelation until later periods. By using a fully qualitative approach, this article discusses the concept of fatwa, the current reality of fatwas in Malaysia, and reviews the development of fatwa issuance methods in Islamic legislation. The research findings reveal that fatwa methodology is diverse in line with the changing times. The scope of ijtihad also depends on the circumstances of the era, society, and the approach taken by the authorities based on the reality of that time.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Muhd Imran Abd Razak, Muhammad Asyraf Mohd Ridzuan, Mohd Farhan Abd Rahman, Ahmad Firdaus Mohd Noor, Kharunnisa A Shukor

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