Interaction of Prophet Muhammad SAW with Isolated Communities and Its Relevance to Indigenous Peoples
Prophet Muhammad SAW serves as a role model for Muslims in all aspects of life, including his approach to interacting with isolated communities such as the Bedouin Arabs and new converts (muallaf). New converts, who are isolated in the cultural context, and the Bedouin Arabs, who live in rural areas and lead lives isolated from urban society, require different approaches compared to urban dwellers or those who have long embraced Islam. Indigenous peoples share similarities with these groups in a socio-cultural context. Therefore, this study will examine the guidance and approach of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in interacting with isolated communities to provide guidance for preachers and educators when dealing with Indigenous Muslim communities. This study uses a fully literature-based approach by reviewing documentation analyses, including classical Islamic texts, journal articles, seminar papers, and others. The findings indicate that the position of Indigenous peoples is nearly akin to that of the Bedouin Arabs at the beginning of Islam and also includes new converts. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) approached them with kindness and gentleness, as he understood the nature of the Bedouin Arabs and new converts. Leading people from disbelief to the light of Islam was the most important agenda at that time, followed by the gradual and easy introduction of Sharia obligations. Therefore, the Indigenous Muslim communities should also be approached in such a manner so that Islam is seen as a religion that is easy to practice.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Paiz Hassan, Mohd Anuar Ramli, Muhammad Yusri Yusof, Mohd Zahirwan Halim Zainal Abidin, Muhd Imran Abd Razak, Abd Munir Mohamed Noh, Muhammad Syazwan Faiz Shahrom

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