Implementation of Green Human Resource Management in Improving the Quality of Airport Workers
Companies engaged in the service sector such as transportation companies or transportation facility managers are highly dependent on the services employees provide. A strong culture of environmental orientation is one of the success factors in the service industry. One of the service industries known to have high standards of friendliness is airport management. With these high standards, implementing environmentally friendly practices is very important. GHRM can help airports in sustainable management efforts by involving employees in sustainable practices and creating a culture that supports the environment. GHRM itself is considered to be able to improve the quality of employees in a company. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a deeper study of the implementation of GHRM in improving the quality of workers. This research was conducted by conducting a literature review. The review was conducted by analyzing various scientific articles that discuss Green Human Resource Management (GHRM). Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) has many positive impacts on the company. Green Human Resource Management itself can be concluded to have six variables, namely Green Recruitment and Selection, Green Training and Development, Green Compensation, Green Performance Management and Appraisal, Green Employee Empowerment and Participation, and Green Management and Organizational Culture. Through these six variables, the quality of employees will increase, such as increased performance, high loyalty, and good environmental attitudes. With GHRM, companies can reduce their operational costs because employees use company facilities very effectively.
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