Analysis and Simulation of Perturb and Observe MPPT Algorithm Based on Fuzzy-PI Controller Combination for Photovoltaic Systems
In this paper, a P&O-based maximum power point tracking (MPPT) system that combines a Fuzzy-PI controller on a proposed PV system is analyzed to achieve the highest power production of a photovoltaic (PV) system and improve system performance and fast response. The proposed PV system consists of a Photovoltaic array, a voltage riser, a DC to DC type converter, and an MPPT algorithm using a combined P&O method of Fuzzy-PI controller. All elements of the PV system are simulated using MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation results show that the maximum power point tracking approach using P&O combined with Fuzzy-PI provides a high efficiency of 97.39% with a speed of 0.025 seconds reaching the optimum point and a steady ripple of 0.06 volts. Meanwhile, the optimum point tracking system without the Fuzzy-PI combination to reach the maximum power point takes 0.14 seconds and the steady state ripples are 30 volts. However, when a P&O-based MPPT system is combined with a PI controller, the response time reaches a maximum power point of 0.11 seconds with a steady state ripple of 17 volts. The results of the proposed analysis and simulation produce high performance, both in terms of response speed time, low ripple and high efficiency.
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