The Test of Chitosan Concentration Against Fusarium oxysporum Fungus that Causes Fusarium Basal Rot Disease of Shallot by In Vitro
The use of chemical fungicides continuously and not according to the rules can endanger the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out alternative control using chitosan organic chemical fungicides. This study aims to test and obtain the concentration of chitosan that can inhibit the growth of F. oxysporum that causes FBRt disease in shallots in vitro. The treatments tested were: several concentrations of chitosan 0 g.l-1 , 5 g.l-1 , 10 g.l-1 , 15 g.l-1 , 20 g.l-1 , 25 g.l-1 , 30 g.l-1 . The data obtained were analyzed statistically with ANOVA using the SPSS program. further tested with Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) 5% level. The results showed that the application of chitosan concentration of 5 g.l-1 , 10 g.l-1 , 15 g.l-1 , 20 g.l-1 , 25 g.l-1 , 30 g.l-1 was able to inhibit the growth of F. oxysporum Chitosan concentration of 20 g.l-1 has a more capable ability in inhibiting the growth of fungi F. oxysporum causing F. oxysporum disease. oxysporum causing FBR disease on shallots in vitro with an average diameter of 76.56 mm, 14.92% inhibition. and able to inhibit the length and width of macroconidia of F. oxysporum fungus.
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