Fatwa Ekonomi Syariah Dan Orientasi Maqasid; Penerapan Pada Hukum Transaksi Cash On Delivery (COD)
This paper aims to examine the orientation of maqasid sharia in contemporary sharia economic fatwas. And apply it to the buying and selling Cash On Delivery (COD) system. The problem formulation in this paper is: 1. What are the stages of a sharia economic fatwa? 2. What is the role of Maqasid syari'ah in contemporary sharia economic fatwas, especially in Cansh on Delivery (COD) system buying and selling? The research method in this paper is a qualitative approach by focusing on literature review. Examining related literature, both classic and contemporary, as well as deepening the real practice of buying and selling with the Cash On Delivery system. Among the results of this paper are: first: the fatwa issued went through strict and methodological stages so that it could be scientifically accountable. Second: The application of Maqasid to contemporary sharia economic fatwas is very important, because it takes into account various aspects.
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