The Influence of Brand Image, Attitude, Religiousness on the Purchase Behavior of Imported Halal Skincare in Generation Z In Pekanbaru City
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of brand image, attitude and religiosity on purchasing decisions for imported halal skincare products on generation Z in Pekanbaru city. Generation Z born from 1997-2012. This study uses descriptive analysis methods and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. Data were collected through questionnaires filled out by consumers of imported halal skincare products generation Z in Pekanbaru City with a sample size of 96 people using the lameshow formula. The results of the study are Brand image has a positive and significant effect on behavioral intention but does not affect use behavior. Attitude does not affect behavioral intention or use behavior. Religiousness does not affect behavioral intention or use behavior. Behavioral intention has a positive and significant effect on use behavior.
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