Integration Model of “Riau Hijau” Program Implementation in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Riau Province
The "Riau Hijau" program represents a strategic initiative by the provincial government of Riau to integrate environmental conservation with sustainable development goals (SDGs). This study aims to develop an integrated implementation model for the Riau Hijau program to achieve the SDGs in Riau Province effectively. The findings reveal significant gaps in coordination, resource allocation, and community engagement, which hinder the program's success. Based on these insights, we propose a model incorporating multi-stakeholder collaboration, robust monitoring and evaluation frameworks, and enhanced capacity-building initiatives. This integrated model aims to ensure the sustainable management of natural resources, reduce environmental degradation, and promote socio-economic development. The study underscores the importance of a holistic approach to policy implementation, which aligns local environmental initiatives with global sustainable development targets. By implementing the proposed model, Riau Province can advance towards a more sustainable and resilient future, balancing ecological preservation with economic growth and social well-being.
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