Family Resilience of Indonesian Migrant Worker (PMI) as a Pillar of Social Development in Serang Regency, Banten Province
Serang Regency is one of the areas recorded as an area with a relatively high incidence of Out Migration due to the large number of residents leaving the area, including for work purposes. This will directly or indirectly have an impact on family resilience which will affect aspects of family resources and family welfare. Several threats to family resilience in the research location include the difficulty of finding work due to high unemployment rates, high poverty rates, and low health status. The theory of family resilience used in this article uses Physical, Economic, Socio-Cultural and Psychological Cultural Aspects (Sunarti, E. 2008). The research location is Pontang District as a representative of rural areas and has the status as one of the national scale migrant worker sending pockets. The method used is descriptive quantitative, supported by qualitative analysis. The research population is Indonesian Migrant Worker (PMI) families in Pontang District were then sampled using the Slovin formula. The aspects recorded as having high resilience are Physical and Socio-Cultural, while the Economic and Socio-Psychological aspects are recorded as having low resilience. There are several things that need to be improved related to the achievement of sustainable development, especially in pillar of social development. Improving the economic aspect can be done through the utilization of local potential and empowering the family economy, while the social psychological aspect is done through optimizing family understanding of children's development and relationships and involving children in family decision making.
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