The Influence of Sensory Appeal, Lifestyle and Health Motive on AISAS Model
This research examines the influence of sensory appeal, lifestyle, and health motive on AISAS model at Twin House and Seven Speed Coffee, South Jakarta. This research uses a quantitative approach and structural equation modelling (SEM) based on Partial Least Square (PLS) and uses an online survey for distributing questionnaires among 180 respondents. The results indicate a significant influence of sensory appeal on attitude and action, lifestyle on attitude and searching, health motive on the action, attitude on searching, searching on action and action on sharing. Meanwhile there is no influence of sensory appeal on searching, lifestyle on action, health motive on searching an attitude on action.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Fransisca Mulyono, Nadia Novianty, Lisa Jolanda Catherine Polimpung

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