Social Capital in Empowering Forest Communities Through Livelihood Plants Program in Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province
This study aims to analyze and explain social capital in community empowerment through Livelihood plants program in Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province. This research uses qualitative methods and triangulation data collection techniques, informants consist of village communities, cooperatives and negotiating teams, village governments, local governments, Riau Province Environment and Forestry Service, and companies. Data collection was conducted through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was conducted through a narrative approach. The results showed that the village community did not trust the people working to encourage the community through livelihood plants program. There is no partnership involving the community in forest management, and rules are not followed. weak social capital relationships between the community and business, government, cooperatives, and negotiating groups. Bonding and bridging relationships, however, have positive impacts. Village communities around forests should be empowered through livelihood plants program crops using social capital. The government, companies, cooperatives and communities should all be actively involved.
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