• Abi Burhan
  • Nancy Eka Putri Manurung
  • Septi Hermialingga
  • Gemala Cahya
Keywords: Dragon fruit, Jam, Pineapple Puree


The objective of this research is to know characteristics of breakable dragon fruit jam with adding pineapple puree. The research design used was a complete factorial random design. The cutting range with breakable area (A), with the type: A1 = 1 cm; A2 = 2 cm; and  A3 = 3 cm. The second treatment is concentration of pineapple puree on dragon fruit jam (B), with the type: B1 = 0 % pineapple puree, B2 = 25 % pineapple puree, B3 = 50 % pineapple puree, B4 = 75 % pineapple puree, B5 = 100 % pineapple puree. The test parameters observed are water content, vitamin C content, crude fiber content, and total plate count.  The results showed that adding pineapple pure can change dragon fruit jam characteristic. The cutting range 3 cm from breakable area is the safest dragon fruit to be raw material jam. The best treatment was obtained from A3B4 in concentrate pineapple puree is 75%.


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