Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Kalsium Oksida (CaO) dari Limbah Cangkang Telur Ayam

  • Edi Kurniawan
  • Jumriana Rahayu Ningsih
  • Nancy Eka Putri Manurung
  • Septi Hermialingga
  • Abi Burhan
  • Muhammad Amri Yahya
  • Tegar Prasetyo
  • Billy Dewantara
Keywords: Calcium oxide, Chicken egg shell waste, Green chemistry


One effort to support green chemistry is to develop natural calcium oxide (CaO) synthesis from waste. Chicken eggshell waste is an excellent natural source of CaO because it contains very high CaCO3 minerals. Where the XRF results of CaO synthesis from chicken egg shells carried out at a temperature of 900 oC for 10 hours were able to produce 97,93% CaO. The XRD results carried out on the calcination of chicken eggshell waste also showed the presence of calcite, Lime, and portlandite.


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