Exploration of Phosphate Soluting Bacteries Located Near Rubber Plant (Hevea brasiliensis) Field on Different Topography

  • Agung Rinata
  • Achmad Himawan
  • Elisabeth Nanik Kristalisasi
Keywords: exploration, identification, phosphate solubilizing bacteria, rubber plant, topography


The exploration of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in the root-soil of rubber plants was conducted to determine their beneficial effects. This research aimed to identify the sampling locations of rubber plantations where phosphate solubilizing bacteria are suspected to be present, isolate and identify colonies of these bacteria, assess their ability to break down P elements from Pikovskaya media and determine their genus. The research took place at the INSTIPER Yogyakarta Central Laboratory, Kec. Maguwoharjo, Kab. Sleman from February to April 2022. A descriptive method was employed, involving surveying rubber plants in different topographies, sterilizing tools and materials, collecting soil samples from rubber plants, and isolating and identifying bacteria. The research analysis included macroscopic and microscopic observations and measuring the diameter of the transparent zone. Phosphate solubilizing bacteria were found in the sampling locations of Karanggondang Village and Popongan Village. Macroscopic observations revealed 17 isolates with bacterial color morphology ranging from milky white, transparent white, to yellow. The average diameter of the transparent zone, from highest to lowest, was as follows: B5(4)2A (18.3 mm), A1(4)1B (14.3 mm), A1(4)2A (14 mm), and C1(3)1 (14 mm). The phosphate solubilizing bacteria isolate A1(4)2A was identified as the Escherichia Genus while isolating C1(3)1 was identified as the Genus Acetobacter.


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