The Potential of Endophytic Bacteria in Controlling Cylindrocladium sp., The Cause of Leaf Blight on Eucalyptus pellita Seedlings by In-Vitro

  • Dicky Kurniawan
  • Fifi Puspita
  • Budi Tjahjono
  • Bayo Alhusaeri Siregar
  • Abdul Gafur
Keywords: Antagonis Bacteria, Endophytic, Eucalyptus, Leaf Blight, Hidrolytic Enzym


Cylindrocladium sp is a fungus that causes leaf blight on Eucalyptus pellita seedlings. Endophytic bacteria are an alternative biological control that can reduce the risk of environmental pollution and reduce resistance by pathogens. This research aims to obtain endophytic bacteria that have potential as biocontrol agents and to characterize isolates that inhibit more than 30%. Testing was carried out using the dual culture method on Potato Sucrose Agar (PSA) media. The results of the antagonism test showed that the endophytic bacterial isolates E320 and E323 were able to form an inhibition zone of more than 30%, namely 38.79% and 41.25% and had the potential to act as biocontrol agents for Cylindrocladium sp., which causes leaf blight on eucalyptus. The characteristics of isolate E320 were that it was able to produce protease, cellulase and siderophore activities, while isolate E323 was only able to produce protease


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