ARTICLE REVIEW: The Influence Of Climate Change On Rice Production And Cultivation Patterns In Indonesia

  • Nugraha Ramadhan
Keywords: climate change, cropping pattern, production


Climate change is marked by deviations in the conditions of several climate elements, whose intensity tends to change and deviate from dynamics and average conditions towards a certain direction (increasing or decreasing), whether occurring naturally or potentially occurring more rapidly due to human activities. Climate change is the biggest threat to agrarian countries in the world, including Indonesia. Agriculture is a part of national food security, so climate change will impact production stability because plant growth and development activities heavily rely on climatic conditions. El Nino is estimated to affect harvest yields on at least 25% of global agricultural land. Characteristics of El Nino, such as its intensity, will result in the severity level of global climate impacts. Based on the conducted review, it is understood that climate change indeed significantly influences many aspects, particularly in the field of agriculture (specifically the rice commodity). The impacts of reduced production and changes in rice planting patterns have been felt in various regions of Indonesia.


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