Exploration of Jaboticaba (Plinia cauliflora.) Cultivation in Bengkulu: Conservation in an Optimized Environment

  • Annida Nurul Shabrina
  • Yudi Maulana
  • Bhakti Karyadi
Keywords: benefits, cultivation, Jaboticaba, conservation, optimal conditions


Jaboticaba (Plinia cauliflora) is a plant with numerous benefits. The destruction of its natural habitat and illegal logging in areas where Jaboticaba grows have led to concerns about population decline. Therefore, serious conservation efforts are necessary to protect this plant. This research aims to plant and conserve Jaboticaba in an optimal environment in Bengkulu. To maintain the viability of jaboticaba populations, it is essential to protect their natural habitat and implement conservation efforts. The methods used included seedling preparation, jaboticaba planting, and treatment and observation of soil conditions, air, light, and height gain. The results indicated that Jaboticaba can grow in areas with soil pH 5.5; 50% soil moisture, 28℃ air temperature, 69% air humidity, and 900 µmol/m²/s light intensity. The study employed an experimental approach to investigate the growth of Jaboticaba. The growth of Jaboticaba from 15 cm to 30 cm was promoted within the study period through continuous care, including watering and fertilization. The study results indicate that environmental factors play an important role in the growth of Jaboticaba. Therefore, protecting its natural habitat in Bengkulu, Indonesia is crucial for environmental sustainability and human health. Jaboticaba holds high ecological, economic, and health values. The study's findings regarding the cultivation, environmental requirements, and urgency of conservation are enlightening for safeguarding this species for future generations.


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