Analysis Nutrient Content of Stem Banana Compost as Organic Fertilizer

  • Sari Rukmana Okta Sagita Chan Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh
  • Benny Satria Achmad Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh
  • Ferdinant Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh
  • Rovel Lando Fambari Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh
Keywords: banana stem, compost, nutrients content, organic fertilizers, organic materials


Organic fertilizer is a type of fertilizer obtained from natural organic materials. This organic material is in the form of plant residues, animal waste, organic waste and other organic materials which are processed into fertilizer. One type of organic fertilizer that farmers can use is compost made from organic materials derived from banana stem waste. Banana stem waste has a high organic content is 83%, with a lignin and cellulose content of around 15-20% and hemicellulose around 14.6%. The aim of the research was to determine the nutrient content of banana stem compost. Composting was carried out using a Randomized Block Design with 5 repetitions. Sampling of mature compost was carried out in a composite manner by taking 80 grams from each replication and collecting them for a total of 400 grams. The samples are then analyzed at the Central Plantation Services (CPS) laboratory. Parameters tested: water content, % N, % P2O5, % K2O, % Mg, % Ca, organic C and pH. Data analysis was carried out descriptively by comparing the quantity and quality parameters of compost according to Indonesian National Standard No. 197030-2004. Through research, the results obtained were 38.4% water content, N (0.89%), P2O5 (0.40%), K2O (1.63%), Mg (0.38%), Ca (0.99%) , C-organic (29.4%) and pH (7.97%). The chemical properties of the banana stem compost obtained meet the national compost quality standards SNI No. 197030-2004


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